Monday, October 7, 2013

Review of "How Obama Really did it"

It's an article talked about how the computer and internet helped the present Obama to be winner in that vote. He used the network as a propaganda media to be more appealing.
To use a network is better then artifi voting. More people choose to vote instead of give up. Obama campagin also create their own website which shows to the people how many of votes supported them.
They collected the public opinions and post on the pages, then they tried to create a solution and also posted beside in the web so that people can trush them and support their campagin. It's an efficacious and new way to publicized himself. Nobody did it before, so I think it's the way made him successful.
The MySpace' friends, facebook supports and weekly website traffic all shows how hot of the Obama supports were. By mainly use of the networking, his supports had a huge difference between with the rests.
In the graphic I had seen, Hillary Clinton had a high rate in weekly website traffic also, I'm not sure did he use the networking as his publicize way.
The post of comments did a great job that helped Obama to be successful in voting. The citiziens write their troubles on the post that let Obama know what to do. It was the time of economic crash, he promised to provide the jobs and chances on the posts, that made people trust him.
The only issue in that website, by my personal opinion is that all true in there; the fake presentations and the artifical votes.


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